Stranded in her hometown during a pandemic lockdown, Bonnie seeks shelter in her family’s old coffee shop and discovers a series of chilling surprises.
Hungry Ghost Diner 《饿鬼食堂》
Chinatown Cinema Melbourne | 200 Bourke St, Melbourne, Victoria 3000
1 September 2024
「鬼所聚集 , 恒在人烟密簇处 ,
僻地旷野 , 所见殊稀 。
喜围绕厨灶 , 似欲近食气 。」
”Ghosts congregate in densely populated places,
rarely do you see them in the wilds.
They prefer to gather round kitchen stoves,
presumably enjoying the scent of food.“
摘录自罗良峰 1771 年画的《画鬼》
以及 纪昀 1789 年至 1798 年创作的《阅微草堂笔记》
Excerpt fromGhost Portraitsby Luo Liangfeng of Yangzhou,Jottings from the Thatched Hut for Examining Minutiaecompiled by Ji Yun, circa 1789-1798 [LYXXL II 24].
不论人鬼 阖府统请!
The family is coming to dinner!
- Rated PG / P12
- Parental guidance recommended for audience members under the age of 12. Mild supernatural themes.
- In Cantonese, Hakka Chinese and Malay, with English and Mandarin subtitles
Own it on DVD / Blu-ray
Experience the film in its best rendition yet—remastered for international audiences. Comes with more than 1 hour of special features, previously unreleased. Exclusively from Bounty Films.